Major Sporting Events
Brazil 2014 and 2016: Major sporting events
In 2014, Brazil hosted the largest global football event across 12 host cities and at a cost of more than $11 billion. There were more than 600,000 international visitors during the period of the event. The preparations were hampered by delays in completing venues and associated infrastructure.
There were also protests against the cost of staging the events along with strikes by several critical employee groups which further complicated security and transport logistics challenges within host cities. And in 2016, Brazil is set to do it all again as it opens its doors to the world’s foremost sporting event, with more than 200 nations involved.
Brazil is a medium risk country with high-risk locations, especially deprived areas and major urban centres. The main travel security risks in Brazil stem from petty and opportunistic crime, traffic accidents and social unrest. Many of these can be mitigated by following standard security precautions, although being prepared prior to travel is paramount to ensure a safe stay. Brazil is a large and diverse country and the risks vary across different locations.
Medical Support
We undertake extensive medical provider network development in Brazil ahead of these events and have staff in Brazil to provide a case management and liaison capability based in Rio de Janeiro. Detailed assessments of trauma and specialist care facilities have been made, along with air ambulance scenario planning, should it be needed
Security Support
International SOS and Control Risks undertake visits to all host cities and accredited security providers in all locations. We have detailed planning in the event that members need assistance in any of the host cities. We have resident security personnel in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro so that our information and advice to travellers will be locally sourced and assessed. Other personnel dedicated to client tasks across all host cities will contribute to our information gathering.
Clients with large numbers of visitors travelling to the World Cup are advised to secure resources in advance to ensure they are well supported. International SOS and Control Risks have secured some dedicated to assist members in emergencies.
International SOS in Brazil
In summer 2014 and 2016, Brazil will play host to two major international sporting events. Read how International SOS is helping here
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