Here you can find the latest news on International SOS from around the world, plus expert opinion and commentary on current issues.
Why Parents Should Reconsider Keeping Babies on Their Laps During Flights
01 November 2016
For Babies On A Plane, Hot Drinks And Co-Sleeping Pose A Risk
26 October 2016
Top tips for women on the move
18 October 2016
Words of advice for clients during hurricane season
12 October 2016
Shortlist announced for European Risk Management Awards
12 October 2016
Dow Chemical: Human Side of Enterprise Tech
06 October 2016
Travelling for work code
05 October 2016
Should I get a flu vaccination? International SOS answers...
04 October 2016
Five things your travellers should do before leaving on a trip
04 October 2016
Code of practice safeguards travelling employees
04 October 2016