Providing timely and accurate information to fight Ebola

International SOS monitors emerging diseases around the world that pose health risks to our members. In early March 2014, we were alerted to an Ebola outbreak in Guinea that had sickened 35 people and killed 23. As public health authorities began to investigate the situation, we built a website centralising epidemiological information in order to inform and protect our clients.

As the outbreak grew to unprecedented levels, we decided to make this website open to the general public. Those in local communities, travellers and others could now access the most accurate information on the Ebola outbreak. This included the latest travel advice, prevention, treatment and educational materials. 

We worked with local volunteers to translate public health posters on Ebola into more than 14 languages. Our materials were used by the Liberian Ministry of Health to educate people and help slow the spread of the disease.  These actions support our aim to make a positive impact on health and education in the local communities where we operate.