Raising awareness of cardiovascular health during World Heart Week
Heart disease is a major issue worldwide. Chronic and often preventable diseases are fast overtaking infectious disease as a cause of death in many countries. Health promotion activities can make a difference to improve quality of life and wellbeing.
In Luanda, Angola, we coordinated a range of initiatives to educate and raise awareness of cardiovascular health during World Heart Week. In the first of these, billed ‘A Day with Children’, team members gave a talk to Grade 4 children at the Luanda International School about the importance of looking after your heart at a young age and staying healthy.
We also spent time at the non-governmental organisation Horizonte Azul, mentoring and teaching young orphaned girls about heart health, as well as donating and sponsoring food and clothing. Elsewhere, we helped host and sponsor of ‘Run and Dance for your Heart’ events which took place in the city centre.
Members of the public gathered to learn about the heart and join in physical activities such as group aerobics, dancing and a marathon. Our employees provided free blood pressure checks and body-mass-index (BMI) assessments and gave advice about the risks of cardiovascular diseases. These actions support our aim to make a positive impact on health and education in the local communities where we operate.